Just because you can't hear low-frequency sounds doesn't mean they have no effect on your ears. Listening to just 90 seconds of low-frequency sound can change the way your inner ear works for minutes after the noise ends, a new study shows. The deeper question is, what kinds of low-frequency sounds are having an effect on us every single day?
"Low-frequency sound exposure has long been thought to be innocuous, and this study suggests that it's not," says audiology researcher Jeffery Lichtenhan of the Washington University School of Medicine.

Humans can generally sense sounds at frequencies between 20 and 20,000 cycles per second, or hertz (Hz)—although this range shrinks as a person ages. Prolonged exposure to loud noises within the audible range have long been known to cause hearing loss over time. But establishing the effect of sounds with frequencies under about 250 Hz has been harder. Even though they're above the lower limit of 20 Hz, these low-frequency sounds tend to be either inaudible or barely audible, and people don't always know when they're exposed to them.
Everything vibrates. On a quantum level, everything is vibrating at various frequencies. These vibrations influence our life in subtle yet profound ways. Our bodies omit frequency even when in a state of rest and are deeply influenced by the frequencies in our everyday environment.
Through the use of resonance theory, a sound practitioner can influence the frequencies of the human body and mind to stimulate wellbeing and healing. This occurs by playing sounds that oscillate at a particulate frequency in an effort to synchronize with the frequency of the body. It is said that the use of frequency and vibration as modes of healing dates back to the times of Ancient Greece and Egypt. However, modern science is just beginning to confirm the healing implications of various frequencies in the modern world.
Higher Frequency = Healthier Human
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You state that, "Our bodies omit frequency even when in a state of rest...". I believe you may mean 'emit'. Totally different connotation.